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Are more customers trying it on?

by Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp

I seem to be seeing an increase in the number of people claiming to have not received their orders.
Had one this morning, asking who signed for it, so I sent her a picture of the person holding the parcel in their hands. No reply yet.
One yesterday claimed not received from over a week ago, sent proof of delivery and gps location and it suddenly turned up at the neighbours house.
We always had the odd one, but right now we are getting 2 or 3 each day. I assume people trying it on because or rising costs, but I am not seeing the same thing on other channels, only Amazon.

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

Unfortunately it is massively up for us, it always does with cost of living, but with how Amazon are with it it’s the worst we have had since lockdown.

This is the one area amazon will loose sellers over the next year unless they stop it.

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

Hey @Tack_Carry_Saddlery1,

Will contact you via Direct Message, regarding this.


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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

For us it seems to be quite usual to see an increase around the end of the year, got 2 A-Z claims in a period of 10 months, now 2 ‘not delivered’ A-Z’s pending within 1 week. More people trying to get free gifts during this time of the year I believe.

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

People will always try it on…

Couple of tips we have found to work, if people say item not received and it is sent via Royal Mail, we will always say we will check the internal Royal Mail tracking that only businesses have access to in 5 days time, 9 times out of 10 customers see that RM have not scanned items and think they can get a little freebie.

Another one with Royal Mail is say you will contact the delivery office (very easy to find out the location) and say that you will speak to the postman personally to see what they did with customer x’s package, again after this most will scurry off, never to be heard from again.

On a different note, got home today to find 3 large Amazon boxes just left against our front door, delivered by good old Amazon… just imagine if we supplied orders like this? Would be suspended at once!

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

I’m getting 10+

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

Been getting a lot more returns from USA recently, between a few hours after marked shipped to a few days. Bizarrely had a few returns in the past few days that had been out with a long enough timeframe to have been delivered, with the reasons being along the lines of they don’t want this any more but then choose a replacement rather than a refund.

From the high % of simple messages with just " nothing arrived " and similar that people think they are talking to an Amazon rep which also makes me feel that a lot of people think they are ripping off Amazon when they do and that’s ok as they’re a giant and can take it or whatever. In my own experience as a buyer there were several years I thought I was just buying from Amazon directly. All that said I guess there are a lot of people who don’t give a stuff whether it is a seller or Amazon itself.

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

There is an increase of free lunch seekers not only on amazon but on ebay too. The Royal Mail strikes helps also. Keep smiling, the sun will rise tomorrow

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

My scam rate is 10 X higher on Amazon than all the other platforms put together but overall it’s neglible as the sales here are so good

I think seller protection on Amazon is 0%, It’s the account health impact that worries me more than the ££ but it’s still my favourite albeit rather more stressful platform to sell on

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

100% they are. The main issue for us (and anybody sending by Royal Mail) is that if there is no delivery scan this shows in customer accounts as ‘not delivered’ when in fact it has been. This is confirmed by the fact that some customers contact us saying things like ‘my account says this has not been delivered, but it has been’.

I have no issue with refunding genuinely lost items, but (and they will never do it, because the customer never lies) Amazon should have some kind of process for lost item claims where customers need to declare that they are filing a claim and falsely doing so is a criminal offense, not as things are at the moment, open an A-Z and get a refund no questions asked 2.5 seconds later.

We are definitely seeing some increase in claims (excluding issues with strike action)

Other platforms also honour the tracking and protect sellers. On Amazon you can have a GPS scan at the address and a photo of the addressee holding the package in their house with the front door open and Amazon refund the funds.

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In reply to: Seller_OD408ZNiEUfUp’s post

We have had a few recently too, its a joke.

We have recently had a well know computer business who purchased an item from us, they said it was damaged on arrival, asked for pictures of the damaged item, never got the pictures after repeatedly asking for them.
The customer raised an A-Z and it was granted. We sent all the details to Amazon, but was told we did not respond to the customers return request in time, which we did within the 24 hour time frame, but were awaiting the pictures of the damaged item and the serial code to confirm it was one of ours.
We have had a courier go to them for collection of the damaged item 6 times now, but no response. So they have the money and the item??? And they are a business… Seriously?? We lose out on the money, the item and its counted against us, how is that justifiable?

Another one tried it saying she did not receive the item, yet confirmed that the door in the proof of delivery photo was hers, but because the driver did not knock on her door and her dog did not bark, she claimed she had not received it, yet she confirmed that she could see on her video doorbell that it was left there, and that no one came after, but did not know where it went? So she raised an A-Z and Amazon refunded at their cost.

Amazon are just assisting in day light robbery as customers know they can get away with an A-Z claim… It HAS TO STOP.

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