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To help your FBA business expand across Europe, we’re making it easier for your ASINs to be automatically enrolled in Pan-European FBA (Pan-EU FBA).

Previously, you needed active product listings in four Amazon stores (Germany, France, Italy, and Spain), and inventory placement in two or more countries, to use Pan-EU FBA.

Effective July 1, 2024, exemptions from the requirement to have an active listing in all four EU stores will be granted if your listing is inactive due to local language category requirements, restricted products, or blocked accounts. In these cases, ASINs will be automatically enrolled in Pan-EU FBA provided you have active listings and inventory placement in at least two countries.

If your product is automatically enrolled, you’ll receive local Pan-EU FBA fulfillment fees in each store in which you have an active listing and inventory placement.

Exemption from having an active listing is granted at the ASIN level for each store, for a grace period, which gives you time to reactivate the listing. Initially, the duration of grace period will be unlimited, but later this year, it will be restricted to a limited time depending on the exemption reason. We will notify you at least 30 days ahead of the grace period duration change.

Go to Manage your exempted ASINs to download a list of ASINs that are exempt from Pan-EU FBA listing requirements.

For more information on enrollment criteria and exemption grace periods, go to Pan-European FBA ASIN Enrollment.

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Malicious order. Please help me
by Seller_WAjOTwz3qEVAX

Yesterday at about 11.42 pm, I was refreshing the table in the Swedish station, and I accidentally wrote the price of four of my products from 7,749.99 to 679.99; all of a sudden, it dropped more than ten times; I don't know why the system didn't have a warning that the price was too low; and then during my lunch break a customer found this link; leading to a crazy order by this customer, a few seconds a piece, and in a short period of time, he placed a total of 38 orders, involving 71 products and 4 ASINs;

Please help me, because the value of these products is too high, involving 380,000 goods value, I really do not know what to do; I asked a lot of many customer service and do the Amazon counterparts, but there is no way to help me cancel these malicious orders; can you help me look at it?

I really don't know who to look for, please help!!!

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Using our Promotions tool can help to accelerate your business, distinguish your offers, and encourage customers to try new products.

You can choose from two options when creating a promotion:

  • Percentage off
  • Buy one, get one free

When you create a new promotion, you’ll be required to specify either a total monetary amount or order count before the promotion can start. Then, you’ll set up your budget to cover the promotion.

When promotions reach 80% of their set budget value, they’ll be removed. The remaining 20% will be allocated to cover redemptions from customers who have already applied the promotion.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. From the drop-down menu in Seller Central, select Advertising, and then select Manage promotions.
  2. On the Create a promotion tab, click the Create button for the type of promotion that you want to offer, and enter the required information.

For more information, go to Create a promotion.

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We’re updating our European VAT calculation services methodology for Business-to-Business (B2B) sales to ensure that VAT is applied accurately based on your country of establishment, and remove non-resident domestic reverse charge rules in Croatia.

Starting August 7, 2024, the following changes will apply.

Country of establishment: Your Registered Business Address country will be used instead of the country associated with your VAT Registration Number (VRN) address, to determine where you’re established.

If the country associated with your VRN address is different to your Registered Business Address country, non-resident domestic reverse charge rules will apply to your B2B domestic sales, in applicable countries, with no VAT applied rather than the local VAT rate.

Non-resident domestic reverse charge changes: Croatia has removed the non-resident domestic reverse charge, so Croatia VAT will apply to domestic sales.

Your continued use of selling services after August 7 constitutes your acceptance of the changes. We recommend that you contact your tax advisor for advice on your tax obligations.

For more information, go to European VAT Calculation Services methodology.

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We continue to assess Prime eligibility and badging requirements to ensure that our Prime delivery experience meets the high expectations of Prime members in our EU stores. Starting August 23, 2024, we’ll update Prime eligibility requirements in Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, and the Netherlands, as well as Prime badgingrequirementsin France, Germany and Spain. These changes will apply to FBA, seller-fulfilled and Amazon retail offers as follows:

From August 23:

  • Delivery speed Prime badging threshold: The fastest 85% of Prime-eligible offers in each store will receive the Prime badge, provided they have a delivery speed of 4 days or faster in Germany and France, and 5 days or faster in Spain. Cross-border offers shipped from outside the EU into the EU (such as shipments from the UK to Germany, France or Spain) will be Prime badged as long as they have a delivery speed of 7 days or faster in Germany and France, and 8 days or faster in Spain. Prime eligible offers that don’t meet these criteria will not display the Prime badge, but will display “FREE Delivery for Prime members”.
  • Delivery speed promise targets for Low-Price Prime eligibility: Low-price offers must meet the same delivery promise speed distribution as standard-size offers to be eligible for Prime: 5% less than or equal to 1 day, 35% less than or equal to 2 days, and 70% less than or equal to 4 days.

From October 1:

  • On time delivery rate targets for Prime eligibility: The minimum on-time delivery rate will be 92%.

We appreciate your ongoing efforts to deliver a great experience for Prime members and are invested in helping you continue to meet Prime eligibility requirements. For recommendations on how to optimize your seller-fulfilled delivery speed, order performance and valid tracking rate, go to Performance assessment in Seller Fulfilled Prime.

For more information on Prime eligibility and badging requirements, go to Seller Prime programs.

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