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Bots strike again

by Seller_pD4k5nUkDbIgP

I have now a listing for FBA that has become search suppressed because some crazy bot decided there is not enough information. The missing information is about batteries, I tried to fill it out, but as I didn’t create the listing, the system doesn’t accept the changes. Normally I wouldn’t bother but I have FBA stock. The product is not something that would ever require batteries and it’s in a category that should not require batteries. Now I am off to face SS again. Amazon is a time consuming activity, I am always troubleshooting something, often for no rational reason.

Tags: Listings, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_pD4k5nUkDbIgP’s post

Here we are
You are not authorised to fix this issue. A contribution from the brand owner or an authorised reseller is required to resolve this issue and activate the ASIN. If you are the brand owner or an authorised reseller for this brand, please apply for the appropriate role for this brand in Amazon Brand Registry.
The brand owner is not on Amazon and not registered in Brand Registry, they have given me authorisation to make changes in writing but SS doesn’t accept it.
What do I do with my stock? it’s a shame as it was something that was selling.

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In reply to: Seller_pD4k5nUkDbIgP’s post

You also get this battery nonsense on most CDs and DVDs under the ‘compliance’ tab. I have yet to come across a CD or DVD that needs batteries…
You even see it on some books.

I have never seen any of the fields filled in when in the edit inventory screens.
As I’m not the brand owner on any of the media or books I sell the system wouldn’t accept anything I input anyway.

The edit inventory system, like so much on Amazon, is a confusing mess of often irrelevant elements that has built up over the years, seemingly with little oversight or forethought.

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In reply to: Seller_pD4k5nUkDbIgP’s post

We have the same - every day. Problems created by bots that are impossible to undo or take hours of frustraition. They ( Amazon ) desperately need a transaction rollback function.

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In reply to: Seller_pD4k5nUkDbIgP’s post

I had something similar on a listing - asking for color but not allowing me to actually edit the listing. Even though I created it, am the brand owner, etc. SS were of no use until I mentioned taking it to the MD and gave them the error in text, rather than a screenshot (which I doubt ever get opened).

The thread is here, in case any of it is similar -

I had an error under the node. It went from being a greeting card to a shirt and the template had all fashion fields, even though the node on the template was correct.

And they keep changing my titles too.

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In reply to: Seller_pD4k5nUkDbIgP’s post

And remember folks, AI is going to be running every aspect of our lives soon!

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In reply to: Seller_pD4k5nUkDbIgP’s post

Yep, me too. They bots went with “material feature” on mine this time.

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In reply to: Seller_pD4k5nUkDbIgP’s post

Thankfully the brand owner intervened, and my listing is searchable again. They told me that Amazon is getting stricter on making changes on listings and to ask them, if I want to make more changes on other listings.

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